Creating a Salesforce Email Dispatch Mapping

You can create a dispatch mapping for your Salesforce email items with a Work Item mapping.

To create a Salesforce email dispatch mapping: 

  1. Go to Flows > Dispatch Mappings.
  2. Click Create.
    The Creating New Dispatch Mapping side panel appears.
    • Name: Enter a name for this mapping, such as Salesforce Email Mapping.
    • Description: Optionally, enter a brief description for this mapping.
    • Interaction Type: Work Item
    • Mapping: Contact Point
    • Mapping Value: Enter the email address that receives incoming emails. For example,
      Important: Email addresses entered in the Mapping Value field are case-sensitive.
    • Dispatch to Flow: Select the flow that emails sent to the mapping value address are directed to.
  Salesforce emails are treated as Work Items and not Email, in regards to dispatch mapping. Email is reserved for native emails handled through Skylight Desktop.