Transfer Lists

CxEngage supports transfer lists containing any combination of internal and external PSTN numbers as well as any queues that are available on that tenant. For example, you can create a transfer list that includes related queues as well as direct PSTN numbers for external contacts. You can specify whether the number or queue of each transfer list item is available for warm and/or cold transfers.

Creating a Transfer List

You must belong to the default Administrator role or to a custom role that includes the MANAGE_ALL_TRANSFER_LISTS permission to create transfer lists.

To create a transfer list:

  1. Go to Configuration > Transfer Lists.
  2. Click Create.
    The Creating New Transfer List panel appears.
  3. Enter a Name for the transfer list being created.
  4. Optionally, enter a brief Description of the list.
  5. Click the plus symbol (+) by the Contacts heading in the Creating New Transfer List panel.
    The Transfer List Item panel appears.
  6. Enter or select a Category Name for this list item entry. For example, Managers On Call.
  7. Enter a Name for this list item. For example, John Smith - cell.
  8. Select the Contact Type for this transfer destination.
  9. Select the Transfer Type for this transfer destination.
  10. Check the Warm Transfer and/or Cold Transfer box(es) to indicate if this list item should appear under that transfer option for agents.
    Warm transfers place the caller on hold while the first agent makes contact with another agent and then provides the ability for the agents to have a conversation before completing the transfer. Cold transfer sends the caller to the destination without having the agents interact.
  11. Enter the transfer destination Endpoint.
  12. Click Save on the Transfer List Item panel.
    This transfer destination is saved as an item on your transfer list.
  13. Repeat steps 5 through 12 for each individual transfer destination item that you want to include in this transfer list.
  14. You can change the order in which the categories are displayed by clicking on a category and dragging it higher or lower in the list.
    The order that the categories are arranged in the panel is the same order that they will display to agents in the Agent Toolbar.
  15. When all of your transfer destinations are saved, click Submit on the Creating New Transfer List panel.

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