Save Customized Dashboards

You must have the default Administrator role or a custom role that includes the VIEW_RECORDING_DASHBOARD permission to save a custom Recording Dashboard.

You must have the default Administrator role or a custom role that includes the VIEW_QUALITY_DASHBOARD permissions to save a custom Quality Dashboard widget panes.

To customize and save a dashboard:

  1. Adjust all widgets on the page to the desired options, filters and sorting.
  2. When the Dashboard has been customized to fit your needs, select the Save button at the top right of the page to save the dashboard with custom selections.
  3. When any changes have been made that should not be saved, click on the Restore button at the top right of the page underneath the second level of tabs.
    1. If no previous dashboard settings had been saved, the Restore button will return all widgets to their factory default settings.
    2. If a previous dashboard setting had been saved, the Restore button will return all widgets to the last saved settings.