Copy Scoring Modes

You must have the default Administrator role or a custom role that includes the following permissions to copy a scoring mode:

  • Quality > Evaluations > Full Control
  • Quality > Evaluation Forms > Full Control

Copying a custom Scoring Mode is ideal for updating an existing Scoring Mode, duplicating a scoring mode that may be tied with another question, as well as quickly creating new custom Scoring Modes using the same scoring distribution or answer sets.

To copy a custom Scoring Mode:

  1. From pop-up window titled Custom Scoring Modes, select the Scoring Mode desired to copy.
  2. Click on the Copy icon in the mini-ribbon bar. This copies all the answer text and scoring weights for this custom Scoring Mode into a new custom mode with the Name field blank.
  3. Please rename the Scoring Mode to a name not already in use.
  4. Modify any scoring percentages or text in the new Scoring Mode.
  5. When finished, click OK to save.