Delete Evaluation Button

You must have the default Administrator role or a custom role that includes the VIEW_PLAYBACK_CALLS and Quality > Evaluations > Delete permissions to delete evaluations.

It is not necessary to delete an evaluation record from CxQM and in some situations it is best to leave the Evaluation until there is no longer a need to run a report for calls that were evaluated using the evaluation.

Deleting an Evaluation requires two conditions:

  • Access to the Evaluation to be deleted via permissions granted during through role and evaluation form permissions. Examples would be a user being the Evaluator or the Evaluated. Also, someone other than the Evaluator and Evaluated can access an Evaluation if the Access the Evaluation of others permission is selected in that user's role.
  • Act on the Evaluation via permissions granted through role and evaluation form permissions. Actions include unlocking, creating, modifying, viewing and deleting Evaluations.

Access an Evaluation

Evaluations may be accessed by users if the user:

  • Is an Unrestricted User.
  • Created the evaluation as the Evaluator.
  • Is the Evaluated.
  • Is the Evaluator and has the role permission, Quality - Access Evaluations of others, selected.
  • Is the Evaluated and has the role permission, Quality - Access Evaluations of others, selected.
  • Is another user and has the role permission, Quality - Access Evaluations of others, selected.

Act on an Evaluation

If the user can access the Evaluation, then the user modify or delete an Evaluation if:

  • Role Permissions: Under Quality - Evaluations, the Modify and Delete are assigned.
  • Form Permission: The Only Original Evaluator can Modify permission on the form is SET.
  • You are the Evaluator.

Or, the user must have:

  • Role Permissions: Under Quality - Evaluations, the Modify and Delete are assigned.
  • Form Permission: The Only Original Evaluator can Modify permission on the form is NOT SET.

Deleting an Evaluation

An administrator user can delete any evaluation created by any user in any state even if Only Original Owner Can Modify or the Locking mechanism has been activated.

A non-administrator user can only delete their evaluations that are not locked.

If a user has the appropriate role and form permissions in place, then the user may delete an evaluation using the following steps:

  1. From the Evaluation > Evaluations tab, find and select the evaluation desired to delete.
  2. Click on the ribbon bar Delete Evaluation or the keyboard Delete key.
  3. A Delete Evaluation confirmation box will pop-up.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes. Cancel the deletion by clicking No.