Delete Scoring Modes

You must have the default Administrator role or a custom role that includes the following permissions to delete a scoring mode:

  • Quality > Evaluations > Full Control
  • Quality > Evaluation Forms > Full Control

To delete a custom Scoring Mode that hasn’t been used already in a question:

  1. From pop-up window titled Custom Scoring Modes, select the Scoring Mode desired to delete.
  2. Click on the Delete icon in the mini-ribbon bar. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. The selection will be deleted from the Custom Scoring Modes window list and the question drop down.

To delete a custom Scoring Mode that has been tied to a question or is In Use in an evaluation:

  1. The Custom Scoring Mode cannot be deleted as it would compromise the score and the integrity of an existing evaluation.
  2. If all evaluations and evaluation forms have been deleted using the custom Scoring Mode, then the custom Scoring Mode can be deleted.