Modify Library Content
You must have the default Administrator or Supervisor role or a custom role that includes the Quality > E-Learning Library > Modify permission to modify E-Learning materials for the E-Learning Library.
To modify any library content:
- From the Coaching & E-Learning > Library tab, select and highlight any library content desired to modify.
- Click the Modify icon in the ribbon bar. A Modify E-Learning Content pop-up window will appear.
- Make any modifications to the library content as necessary.
- The Title of the library content can be modified.
- The Only Owner can Modify checkbox can be enabled and disabled.
- Note text box: Optionally, additional notes or comments can be included with every new piece of learning content. In the Note text box, add any additional comments or descriptions about the library content. The text box supports up to 20,000 characters and can be expanded using the small two line triangle in the lower left-hand corner of the Notes text box
- Additional Attachments can be added.
- When finished modifying the library content, click on the OKbutton.
If Only Owner can Modify is enabled, the originator and any administrators will be able to modify the content. Any other users will receive an error message and will not be able to modify the content.