My Engage Dashboard

The Dashboard > My Engage tab is the central To-Do list for agent My E-Learning Assignments and My Coaching Sessions. Typically, a team supervisor assign a lesson, shares a call recording, distributes an evaluation or just sends a simple comment to an agent, an agent’s team supervisor, or a group.

Some additional uses for the My Engage tab may include: Supervisor to Supervisor Communication, train evaluators to consistently score evaluations, or share updated policies and procedures.

Agents logon and go to this dashboard tab where they are presented with a list of assignments. Each assignment will be started, acted upon and finished.

Some assignments will require a response to confirm receipt of the assignment. There can be confirumation that the agent opened and used any attached e-learning materials, as well.

Start an Assignment

For an agent to start an E-Learning or Coaching assignment, the agent logs into CxQM using their login and password, and double clicks on the desired assignment to open it.

Finish an Assignment

When the agent has finished with the assignment, the agent closes any attachments. The My Assignment window should still be displayed in the browser.

  • If the assignment requires a confirmation, the agent must click on the checkbox next to the Confirmation Statement crafted at the time of assignment. The assignment does not go to Completed status until this checkbox is checked.
  • If the assignment allows for agent feedback, the agent can enter comments in the last text box as required by the assignment instructions.

The status of the assignment is based on whether the agent clicks Save to save the confirmation and feedback or Close to leave the assignment in the current state.

  • If the Confirmation Statement checkbox is not checked the assignment status will be Started when the agent clicks Save.
  • If the Confirmation Statement checkbox is checked, the assignment status will be Completed when the agent clicks Save.
  • If no Confirmation Statement is required, the assignment status will be Completed when the agent clicks Save.
  • If the agent clicks Close, the assignment state will not change.