My Engage Dashboard Display
You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor or Agent role or a custom role that includes these permissions to use the My Engage Dashboard and widget:
- Administration > Enable My Engage
- Administration > Enable My Engage > My Evaluations
- Administration > Enable My Engage > My Coaching
- Administration > Enable My Engage > My E-Learning
Administrators and supervisors can assign agents or each other Coaching and E-Learning assignments and materials with due dates, requests for comments and receipt verifications. When acted upon, assignments immediately provide feedback and training to agents about interaction activities, business details or processes and skillsets.
There are two area in the My Engage dashboard window, the left side and the right side:
- Left side: Shows either a selected pie, column or bar graph of the number and status of assignments.
- Right side: Shows four columns displaying information about assignments. When an assignment or coaching session is created, it is assigned to one or more users and is displayed in their My Engage - My Assignments widget in a table layout on the right side.
- Assignment information includes:
Header Name | Description |
Name | The name given the assignment |
Type | The type of assignment (Coaching or Learning Activity) |
Date | The date the assignment was created and assigned |
State | The current state of the assignment (Started, Not Started, Completed, Incomplete) |
When an assignment or coaching session is created, it is assigned to one or more users and is displayed in their My Engage - My Assignments widget in a table layout on the right side. The left-side indicator will update to reflect status of all assignments in the selected graph format such as pie (default), bar or column graph.
Hovering over a state with a red ! mark will provide an additional information window, such as Not Started - Coaching Assignment Expired.