Copy/Paste Recording Records

You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor or Agent role or a custom role that includes VIEW_PLAYBACK_CALLS permission to use the Recordings > Playback > Copy/Paste feature.

Users may copy one or more selected interaction records and data from the Playback window and paste them into a Microsoft© Excel file.

To copy and paste a selection of interaction records from Recordings, Recent Interactions or the Search Results window:

  1. Highlight a single cell, row or multiple rows in the Playback window like you would in a spreadsheet.
    1. To highlight a row, select the row.
    2. To highlight multiple rows, select the rows while holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key.
    3. To highlight a cell, select the row and click a second time on the desired cell to copy.
  2. Copy selected cell or row(s) by typing CTRL C on the keyboard. An indicator will show that the selection(s) have been copied to the Clipboard.
  3. Open the Microsoft© Excel Spreadsheet desired to copy the recording data into.
  4. Paste the selected data by typing CTRL V on the keyboard.
  5. The Playback window column headers as well as the multiple rows selected will be pasted into the designated spreadsheet.