Email (Recording File) Button

You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor role or a custom role that includes the VIEW_PLAYBACK_CALLS and DOWNLOAD_PLAYBACK_CALLS permission to use the Email button.

Users may email interaction recording file(s) or recording file segment(s) to anyone in .wav format.

The Email button is hidden if the user does not have the DOWNLOAD_PLAYBACK_CALLS permission.

Some company policies require that downloading and emailing of interactions to be turned off. Check with your Local Administrator or management for more information.

If the user is logged on to CxQM and playing any related segment of a stitched call, CxRecord will attempt to find the related segments and show them in the Playback, Evaluation and Coaching & E-Learning tabs.

To email a recorded interaction or interaction segment:

  1. Go to the Recordings > Playback window.
  2. Select one or more interaction recordings or recording segments.
  3. Click Email.
  4.  A Rename Attachment(s) window pops up.
  5. Select this option:
    • Attach File(s): When selected, CxQM will do one of the following depending on the number of interaction files being emailed:
      • Insert the file of the selected recording or recording segment into the Rename Attachment(s) box. The filename can be renamed.
      • Insert a ZIP file containing the files of the selected recordings or recording segments into the Rename Attachment(s) box. The ZIP filename can be renamed.
  6. Audio Format: Select an audio format to send the files in:
    • wav: Default. Select this to send files in .wav format.
    • mp3: Not available in this release.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Depending on the user's Playback Options settings, either the Send Email pop-up window appears (with Web Mail selected) or the agent’s local email application, such as Microsoft© Outlook (with My Email selected) will appear. In either case, enter the following::
    • To: field: An email address can be selected from available contacts already configured in your email client. To add multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semicolon (;).
    • Subject: field: This may or may not be a required field; however not having a subject may send it to a SPAM folder.
    • Message (commentary) field: Enter any commentary or directions for the recipient of the email in this area. It is recommended to include a reply address in the Message part of the email because the From: address is determined by the Tenant Administrator in the setup of the CxQM and is typically a no-reply type address.
  9. Click Send.
  10. A window pops up with the tenant ID with the statement "E-mail has been sent successfully."
  11. Click OK.

When the recipient receives the email, they will be able to play back the audio of the interaction on any standard audio media player on their computer.

The maximum download file size is 2 GB. Any interactions or combined interactions over 2 GBs will initiate an error message.

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