Manage Remarks Button

You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor or Agent role or a custom role that includes the VIEW_PLAYBACK_CALLS permission to use the Recordings > Playback > Manage Remarks button.

Remarks or comments can be easily added to any interaction record in any Playback window. The remarks fields can contain anything from business addresses to actual comments made by the reviewer. The Remarks 1 and Remarks 2 columns will display any comment up to 160 characters each.

To add or modify a remark to an interaction recording:

  1. Go to the Recordings > Playback window,
  2. Select an interaction or multiple interactions to make a notation. Multiple interactions can be marked with the same comment by holding the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting.
  3. Click Manage Remarks.
  4. The Edit Remarks Dialog window pops up.
    1. Enter the desired comment text in the Remark 1 and/or Remark 2 text boxes. Up to 160 alpha-numeric, and standard keyboard characters are allowed.
    2. Modify the existing comment text in the Remark 1 and/or Remark 2 text boxes. Any existing remarks will be overwritten by the new or modified text. Click Cancel to keep the previous remarks.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The remarks will display in the corresponding Remark 1 and Remark 2 columns of the Playback tab window.

To view lengthy remarks (too lengthy for the Remarks 1 or 2 column space to show the entire comment), select the recording and click on Manage Remarks. The pop up window will display the entire comment.