Evaluators Tab

You must have the default Administrator or Supervisor role or a custom role that includes the Reports > Evaluation Reports > Full Control permission to use the Evaluators tab.

To set a report filter for one or more evaluators:

  1. In the New Evaluation Report window, navigate to the Evaluators Tab.
  2. Select the evaluator(s) from the Available Resources table and move to the Selected Resources table using one of the following.
    1. Select one or more appropriate evaluators in the Available Resources table by using the SHIFT and/or CTRL key while selecting and click Add (>>).
    2. Drag and drop your selection to the Selected Resources table.
    3. To remove a selection in the Selected Resources table, select the evaluator and click Remove (<<).
  3. Sort the columns by clicking on the any of the column headers in the Available or Selected Resources tables.