Recording Reports Misc Tab

You must have the default Administrator or Supervisor role or a custom role that includes the Reports > Recording Reports > Full Control permission to use the Recording Reports Misc tab.

  1. In the New Recording Report pop-up window, click on the Misc. tab and select one or more of the following additional miscellaneous settings to run the report against:
    1. Start Time: Choose a range of call start times for the report. For example: All calls in the hour between 1PM to 2PM would be set as: From: 1:00 PM with To: 2:00 PM. Click the Clear Times button to clear any times from the report.
    2. Call Remarks: Analyzes interactions based on word(s) entered in the Remark 1 and/or Remark 2 fields. A user can enter one or more remarks by using the semicolon (;) to separate items (For example: good; excellent) and get a report of only those calls with Remarks.
    3. Other: Search recordings that have been pre-flagged:
      • Flags:
        • Flagged for Follow up: Select to find all calls with a flag in the Flag Column.
        • Marked as complete: Select to find all calls with a check mark in the Flag Column.
    4. Recording Duration: Report on calls by the length of a recording duration between a set Minimum to Maximum number of seconds or minutes. This duration does not include time in pause or stop recording modes. Only the length of the recording.
    5. Call Duration: Report on calls by the length of a call duration between a set Minimum to Maximum number of seconds or minutes. Analyze the duration of the call despite how many pause and stop recordings are enabled. This is a mathematical formula of (END TIME) – (START TIME) = CALL DURATION.
    6. Days: Select one or more days of the week as a report parameter by clicking the checkbox next to the desired day. Call recordings displayed in the report are based on the start day of the call. (For example: A call started recording Monday at 11:50 pm and finished Tuesday at 12:15 am, the call would be displayed on reports for Monday.)
  2. If desired to refine the report by specific filters such as groups, agents, ports, mobility users, contact points, customer identifications and DNs, then refer to the following sections which explain each tab at the top of the New Recording Report pop-up menu.
  3. When ready, click Run to process the results of the report; click Save to save the settings to the Reports list; or click Close to cancel the report.