Recording Reports Recurrence Tab

You must have the default Administrator or Supervisor role or a custom role that includes the Reports > Recording Reports > Full Control permission to use the Recording Reports Recurrence tab.

To set a recurring report filter by a schedule:

  1. In the Create Report window, go to the Recurrence tab.
  2. Schedule box: Turn on the Recurring Report by selecting one of the following in the drop-down box:
    1. None: As long as none is selected, the report will not run automatically. Select None to deactivate a scheduled report.
    2. Daily: When daily is selected, new selections appear.
      1. Click the Clock icon and either slide the hours, minutes or seconds bars to the desired time or click the Now button to select the current time. Click Close when desired time is selected.
      2. Select the Day(s) of the Week desired to run the report.
    3. Weekly: When weekly is selected, new selections appear.
      1. Recur every X weeks at: Select with the up and down arrows or type in the number of weeks between report runs. Values may be input up to 300 weeks. For example, type a 2 to select a report to run every two weeks.
      2. Click the Clock icon and either slide the hours, minutes or seconds bars to the desired time or click the Now button to select the current time. Click Close when desired time is selected.
      3. Select the Day(s) of the Week desired to run the report.
    4. Monthly: When monthly is selected, new selections appear.
      1. Recur on day X of every month at: Select with the up and down arrows or type in the day of the month 1-31 to run the report. For example, type a 5 to select a report to run on the 5th of every month. An error message will appear for any days selected past the 28th of the month, because not all months have 29, 30 or 31 days.
      2. Click the Clock icon and either slide the hours, minutes or seconds bars to the desired time or click the Now button to select the current time. Click Close when desired time is selected.
  3. Email box: Input the following content that should be in the email to notify the report is complete:
    1. Check the box to enable email. If the check box is unchecked a notification email will not be sent when the report is finished.
    2. To: Enter the email addresses to notify that the report is complete. Separate email addresses by a semicolon (;).
    3. Message: Enter a message for the body of the email in the textbox.
  4. Settings box: Determine how often to run the report and in what format is desired.
    1. Report Format: Choose either Adobe© Acrobat PDF or Microsoft© Excel Spreadsheet (.XLS) for the report output format.
    2. Report End Date: Setting choices are:
      1. No End Date button: If selected, then the report will run continuously until the settings of the report have changed.
      2. End after X occurrences button: If selected, choose the number of times the report shall run by selecting the up and down arrows or type in the desired number. When the number is reached then the software will stop running the report. This is tracked in the Report > Designs > Report List > Recurred column.
    3. Cache results to web server during each scheduled occurrence checkbox (default is checked) : If selected and at least one report occurrence has successfully run then when a user double-clicks the report in the Reports » Designs grid it will open a separate window displaying the stored file. If this is a PDF it opens in a separate browser window. If this is an Excel format it will launch Microsoft Excel.
  5. Language box: Select one of the following languages the report should be created in. Language selections currently available are: English, French Canadian, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese.
  6. If desired to refine the report by specific filters such as groups, users, or dialed numbers, then refer to the following sections which explain each tab at the top of the Create Recording Form pop-up menu.
  7. When ready, click Run to process the results of the report; click Save to save the settings to the Reports List; or click Close to cancel the report.
  8. Verify the recurring report is emailed successfully by closing the report and selecting the report from the report list and select the Run Schedule icon. The report will be queued and will then run and generate an email to the distribution list.