Adding an Existing User to a Tenant

To add an existing platform user to a tenant:

  1. Access the tenant that this user is being added to
  2. Click User Management, and then click on Users
  3. Click Create
  4. Enter the user's email address
    The email address is not case sensitive
    A message will advise "This user already exists on the platform and they will be added to the tenant upon clicking 'Submit'."
  5. Select the appropriate Tenant Role.
    • Agent
    • Supervisor
    • Administrator
    • Additional customized roles may exist for your tenant
  6. Leave Invite Now enabled if the user is to be added immediately, or click to disable and invite the user at a later date if necessary
    To send the invitation at a later date, follow the process to send a delayed invitation.
  7. Click Submit.

After you click Submit, CxEngage sends an email to the user. The user clicks a link in the email and is taken to a login screen to enter their current platform username and password. A successful login will bring them to the tenant. If the user is already logged in to the platform, clicking on the link in the email will bring them directly to the tenant.

The invitation email includes a token that is only valid for 24 hours. If the user waits longer than 24 hours to click on the link, the token will have expired and an error displays. The tenant will not be available to the user.

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