Release Notes

Maintenance items, fixes, and new features for CxEngage and CxQM are released as needed throughout the year. This release note reflects changes to CxEngage and CxQM that were made since the last release.

You can find release notes for recent releases below.

Historical release notes can be found in the Release Notes Archive.

  To receive email notifications for CxEngage platform issues, subscribe to updates from . Please check this page regularly for release details.

Important: A fresh log in ensures that your cache is cleared and that software updates are immediately available to you. Following a release in CxEngage and Skylight you are prompted to refresh your application.

  • In CxEngage click the Refresh link and log back into the application.

  • In Skylight click the notification and log back into the application.

Note: You can also log out of the application and log back in to update your instance of the application.

What's New

Here is a summary of the features and fixes included with the latest release(s).

CxEngage Release 25.03.01
All Regions March 1, 2025

Fix: Skylight Bug - Agents Reporting that Notes are being erased as they are being typed (CXV1-30870)

In Skylight, interaction notes periodically cleared and the UI refreshed while typing notes during a call. This issue has been fixed. Interaction notes no longer clear without user intervention.

CxQM Release 25.02.26
All Regions February 26, 2025

Fix: Attachments are not accessible after attaching to an Evaluation Form (CXV1-30859)

Some Quality Management evaluation form attachments could not be found because special characters were included in the attachment name. CxQM has been updated to properly handle special characters in attachment names.

Recent Releases

Select a release date for a summary of the features and fixes included with that release. For other release information, categorized by year, see Archived Release Notes.