Global Filters in Historical Reporting

Global filters are located in a at the top of Analysis, Author Report, and Custom Dashboards.

Setting these filters determines the subset of data that is used in reports and dashboards.

  All filters (Tenant, Date, Timezone, Channel, Group, Skill, Direction, Flagged) appear for selection but cannot be applied for every data set. Not all filters will work with every data set. For example, the Group filter will work with data sets that contain a group metric.The filters Channel, Group, Skill, Direction, Flagged are not applied by default.

Setting Global Filters

  1. Click Edit Filters to select the values for each filter:
  2. Click Apply.


By default, the tenant you are logged in to is selected in the global filter. If you are logged in to a parent tenant with child tenants, you can select which tenants you want to see in the report. If you are a member of the parent tenant but are logged in to the child tenant, the parent tenant and any sibling tenants aren't available in the list to select.


If you're working with different timezones, you might want to your report or dashboard's data adjusted for another timezone. The Timezone menu at the top of each report or dashboard enables you to select the desired timezone. After you select a timezone, the data updates to reflect the date range in the timezone you select.

  • The default timezone is your computer's timezone. If you change your computer's timezone, you might need to clear your cache and relaunch your browser for the timezone to update.
  • If you select a timezone for a dashboard, the timezone persists across all dashboards (custom and standard) that you view during your session.
  • If you select a timezone for a report, the timezone persists across all reports (custom and standard) that you view during your session. The timezone settings for reports and dashboards aren't connected.

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Configure the following when you are selecting a date:

    1. Choose the appropriate comparison operator:
      • = (equals): Retrieves data for interactions that occurred on the date selected.
      • < (less than): Retrieves data for interactions that occurred before, but not including, the date selected.
      • <= (less than or equal to): Retrieves data for interactions that occurred before and including the date selected.
      • >= (greater than or equal to): Retrieves data for interactions that occurred after and including the date selected.
      • > (greater than): Retrieves data for interactions that occurred after, but not including, the date selected.
      • Date Range: Retrieves data for interactions that occurred between and including the dates selected.
    2.   When selecting the Start Date and End Date, be sure to use the mm-dd-yyyy format to ensure proper data retrieval.
    3. Select a date type (Specific Date or Sliding Date) and a date:
      • Specific Date: Allows you to select specific dates from a calendar picker or enter a specific date in MM/DD/YYYY format - for example, 10/31/2018.
      • Sliding Date: Allows you to select a moving or rolling date - for example, Today or Last Week.

        Monday is considered the first day of the week.

    4. Click Apply.

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Direction, Channel, and Flagged

To select direction, channel, and flagged filters:

  1. Click the drop-down menu for the appropriate filter.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the values you want included in the report or dashboard.

    Select Check All to select all the values.

  3. Clear the checkbox next to the values you don't want included in the report or dashboard.

    To clear all the values, clear the checkbox next to Check All.

  4. Click Apply.

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After you configure the values for the global filters, you can add more filters on specific reports or add filters to individual panels to further narrow down the data.