Managing Multiple Interactions in Salesforce Classic

If you are configured with the capacity to handle multiple interactions at the same time, you can have several interactions open in Skylight. If the interaction is linked to a Salesforce record, when you click a Skylight tab to switch from one interaction to another, Salesforce automatically displays the linked contact, lead, case, opportunity, or account.

For example, you are chatting with Bob Jones and then you accept a chat interaction from Sara Bright. You can chat with both customers by clicking their tabs in Skylight to switch back and forth between conversations.

Note the following ways in which the tabs behave:

  • When a new work offer is delivered to Skylight, the Salesforce tab for the linked record is automatically opened and in focus.
  • If Skylight is minimized in Salesforce when a new interaction arrives or a customer responds to a chat message, Skylight is automatically reopened.
  • When you close the Salesforce tab, the linked Skylight interaction stays open.

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