Quality Management Dashboard Module

You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor or a custom role that includes the Reports > Recording Dashboard > Full Control permission to use the Recording Dashboard.

You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor or a custom role that includes the Reports > Quality Dashboard > Full Control permission to use the Quality Dashboard.

You must have the default Administrator, Supervisor or Agent role or a custom role that includes the VIEW_MY_ENGAGE permission to view the My Engage Dashboard.

Accessing Dashboards

Users access CxQM dashboards from the CxEngage Management Console > Quality Management > Dashboard to get the menu and clicking on one of these:

  • Recording: This invokes the Recording dashboard tab, enabled with CxRecord.
  • Quality. This invokes the Quality dashboard tab, enabled with CxEvaluate.
  • My Engage: This invokes the My Engage dashboard tab, enabled with CxEvaluate.
CxQM Dashboard Name Description
Recording Dashboard Graphically displays information on call recording and active calls trends and group and agent call comparisons.
Quality Dashboard Graphically displays information on evaluation and quality trends and group and agent quality comparisons.
My Engage Dashboard Graphically displays information on e-learning assignments, evaluations and coaching sessions for a user.