Coaching & E-Learning Setup

You must have the default Administrator role or a custom role that includes the following permissions to setup the Coaching and E-Learning environment:

  • Quality > E-Learning Library > Full Control
  • Quality > E-Learning Activities > Full Control
  • Quality > Coaching Activities > Full Control

When Coaching and E-Learning is enabled, administrators, supervisors and agents can use coaching sessions and a variety of e-learning materials for training, information as well as process, business and personal improvement exercises.

Administrators and supervisors can organize and distribute quality related learning and coaching materials to improve the customer’s levels of service. Assignments are created and then tracked throughout the learning process.

The Coaching & E-Learning tab is the central location for managing and tracking all Coaching Session and E-Learning Assignments. The Coaching & E-Learning tab immediately provides feedback and training to an agent about interaction activities. Based on the user's permissions, access to the following second level tabs is granted:

  • Library tab: The E-Learning Library is used to import, store and organize all e-learning material including interaction video and audio files, checklists, fliers, web links, sample interaction recordings, quizzes, sample screen captures and sample evaluations.
  • Activities tab: The Coaching & E-Learning Activities window tracks the progress of all Coaching Sessions and E-Learning Assignments.

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