Creating an Outbound Identifier List
After you have created outbound identifiers, create an outbound identifier list and add one or more outbound identifiers to the list. The outbound identifier list is the object that you assign to users, groups, or skills so that
users have options to select when they make an outbound interaction.To create an outbound identifier, you must have either the default Administrator or Supervisor role or a custom role with the OUTBOUND_IDENTIFIER_CREATE permission. |
- Go to Configuration > Outbound Identifier Lists.
- Click Create.
- For each outbound identifier list you want to create, configure the following parameters:
- Type a Name for the Outbound Identifier list.
- Optional. Type a description.
- Click Submit.
After you click Submit, more options are displayed on the panel.
- Click the plus (+) icon above the outbound identifier list table.
The Add list items window appears. The list of available outbound identifiers is displayed.
- Click the plus (+) icon in the Actions column for the outbound identifier you want to add to the list.
After you add an outbound identifier to the list, that outbound identifier is removed from the Add list items window.
- Repeat these steps for each outbound identifier you want to add.
- When you are done adding outbound identifiers to the list, click the close (x) icon to close the window.
- Type a Name for the Outbound Identifier list.
- Click Submit.
The Outbound Identifiers List table is displayed. If outbound identifier lists are already created, they are listed here.
The Creating New Outbound Identifier List panel appears.
Your next step after creating an outbound identifier list is to assign it to a user, skill, or group.