Quality Evaluations

You must have the default Administrator or Supervisor role or a custom role that includes the Quality > Evaluations > Create permission to conduct an evaluation.

The Evaluation > Evaluations table shows the most recent evaluations created or modified, allows evaluators to score and manage evaluations for quality assurance, provide sound bites and attachments and delivers the evaluations in a variety of ways to desired users while tracking changes made to a completed evaluation in a report.

Conducting evaluations on any type of communication or process is a subjective process. CxQM has built-in features such as Track Changes, Evaluator Help and Access Evaluations by Other Users to aid evaluators in scoring evaluations consistently.

The Evaluations window table is composed of columns and lines (evaluation records) that include the following information:

Header Name Description
User First Name and User Last Name

The evaluated user's first and last names.

Agent ID

The ID number associated with the agent's name taking the interaction. If the agent ID is re-assigned to another agent, then the column will display the name of the agent at the time the evaluation was created.

Agent ID is required to conduct evaluations. Most contact center systems will automatically provide the Agent ID information with the call.

Evaluation Date

The original start date of the evaluation. The format is:


Evaluation State
  • The state of the evaluation: Started, Completed or Locked. If set in the form, an evaluation in locked mode cannot be modified by even the original evaluator after the set period of time.
  • Evaluation Form The name of the Evaluation Form used to complete the evaluation.
    Evaluation Reference
  • A CxQM generated unique reference ID for the evaluation. The format is:
  • Agent ID/YYYY/MM/DD/####.
  • The sequential number at the end is per agent ID so all agents will start at 0001.
  • Call Date and Time

    If a call or screen capture is associated with the evaluation, the call date will be populated with the start time of the recording. The format is:

    MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. If no recording is associated, the call date is modifiable.

    Call Duration The duration of the evaluated interaction.
    Group Name The name of the agent’s playback group assignment at the time of the evaluation. If the agent is re-assigned to another group, then the group name will be retained for historical purposes.
    Evaluator First Name and Evaluator Last Name
  • The full name and/or user ID of the evaluator who conducted the evaluation. If the evaluator’s user account is deleted, then the evaluator’s name will be retained for historical purposes.
  • Overall Score The total score of the evaluation as a percentage.

    The Evaluations tab has the following properties:

    • Evaluate any recorded audio or screen captured interaction directly from the Playback window.
    • Evaluate any supportive activity directly from the Evaluations window.
    • Include comments, e-learning attachments and call segments with each question or for the overall evaluation.
    • Share evaluations either within the CxQM system, by emailing or exporting them as a PDF or Excel files, or sending to a printer.
    • Attach data in the header of an evaluation for use in Evaluation Report results.
    • Easily locate under-performing evaluations and track the progress of a new evaluation with easy-to-use quick filters.
    • Sorting is available by selecting the header at the top of each column. The first click will sort ascending, the second click will sort descending, and the third click will return to the default sort.
    • Quick filters are available to refine a search. Click on the Filter icon in the header of each column to select filter parameters for that column.

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