Configuring the Agent Toolbar in Salesforce

Once you have installed the Agent Toolbar package in your Salesforce organization, you're ready to configure the toolbar. To configure the agent toolbar, you need to:

  1. Point the CTI Adapter to the Agent Toolbar
  2. Configure User Permissions
  3. Apply the LiveOps User Layout to User Profiles
  4. Select the navigation tabs for the Sample Console
  5. Customize the softphone layout

Pointing the CTI Adapter to the Agent Toolbar

  1. Log in to Salesforce.
  2. Click Your Name > Setup.
  3. In the sidebar under App Setup, click Customize > Call Center > Call Centers.

    If the "Getting Started with Salesforce CRM Call Center" page displays, click Continue.

  4. Next to agent tool bar, click Edit.
  5. In CTI Adapter URL, enter the Agent Toolbar URL for your tenant's region:
  6. Update the Softphone Width.

    The recommended minimum width is 655.

  7. Click Save.

Configuring User Permissions

Configure the Salesforce permissions for users that will use the agent toolbar to ensure they can access it.

  1. In the sidebar under Administration Setup, click Manage Users > Users.

  2. Click the name of the user that will have access to the toolbar.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Update the user's details under General Information:
    • Select the Service Cloud User checkbox
    • In Call Center, select agent tool bar
  5. Click Save.

Applying the LiveOps User Layout to All User Profiles

Users who will use the Agent Toolbar can have the CxEngage username and password fields (labeled Titan User Name and Titan Password) appear on their user details page. You can do this by either applying the LiveOps User Layout to their user profiles or adding the CxEngage username and password fields to your existing user layouts.

Selecting the navigation tabs for the Sample Console

Choose the relevant objects to appear in the console's navigation tab in Salesforce.

  1. In the sidebar under App Setup, click  Create > Apps.
  2.  Under Apps, click Sample Console.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Under Choose Navigation Tab Items, select the following items from the Available Items list and then click Add to move them to the Selected Items list.
    • Accounts
    • Contacts
    • Cases
    • Opportunities
    • Leads
  5. Under Assign Profiles, select the System Administrator and Standard User checkboxes in the Visible column.
  6. Click Save.

Customizing the Softphone Layout

Customize which Salesforce call-related fields and objects are displayed.

  1. In the sidebar under App Setup, click Customize > Call Center > Softphone Layouts.

    If the "Getting Started with Salesforce CRM Call Center" page opens, click Continue.

  2. Click New to create a softphone layout or Edit to edit the default layout.
  3. Configure the softphone layout.

  4. Click Save.

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